
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Laws, Rules & Regulations

Insanity is often described as doing something over and over and expecting a different outcome.

We always make more Laws & Rules in order to control certain behavour, but all it does is to create the need for more prisons. Our prisons are full and we  need to release prisoners in order to put more individuals into prison. At what point do we realize that simply making more Laws/Rules are not working and there is a more serious issue to be dealt with.

We need to understand that individuals do not modify their behavour by Laws/Rules. Individuals behavour is controlled by the individuals Life-Values. It is their values that need to be modified and this is a much deeper issue than simply making a new Rule to follow.

Laws and Rules only become effective if one believes they may be caught breaking them. One is only punished if one is caught. It quickly becomes a issue that one is punished for getting caught, not for breaking the Law or Rule.


Laws are at their maximum effectiveness when they are kept to a minimum. This allows them to be uniformly enforced and everyone is aware and in agreement with them.

When we have thousands of LAWS, and we do have thousands, they become ineffective. They are ineffective for a number of reasons;
  1. No one is aware of them ALL.
  2. No one agrees that ALL are necessary.
  3. They are unable to be uniformly enforced, meaning that ALL are questionable in how they are enforced.
  4. The individual's respect for the LAW is greatly reduced.
  5. It is often seen to be a punishable offence to be CAUGHT, not so much about the LAW itself.
These are some of the reasons that our LAWS are seen as ineffective.

We cannot continue to make more LAWS and expect them to control individual behaviour, it is a form of madness.


Rules & Regulations are most effective when they are used in a manner that supports the individual and as a guideline for individuals. This means that the Rules & Regulations must be flexible to the situation at hand.

Rules & Regulations in our present society are extremely rigid - "No Skateboarding", "No Rollerblading", "No Smoking" and a never ending list. This type of rigidity causes individual to quickly ignore the Rules altogether. We use Rules & Regulations to try and control how individuals act and this is seen as an attempt to limit and control individuals.

We need to keep our Rules & Regulations to a minimum and for them to be used in a manner that supports individuals and NOT TO LIMIT the individual.

Personal Life-Values:

Personal Life-Values is another topic altogether but it needs to be touch on here. Individuals act depending on their own Personal Values and not on LAWS & RULES. These values need to be owned by the individual, not adopted because they should or are expected to have certain values.

We try and impose Social Values with our Laws & Rules, this does not work!

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