
Thursday, August 26, 2010

What are Life Values?

In the last post I talked about Values and how our Values help us to steer our Life on the Path we wish to experience. This post will talk about what these Values include. These Values are very personal and individual in nature, this means the values I talk about here may not be your values but the process is the same.

In the last post I proposed the question;


I value ALL LIFE - I treat all life with a level of respect. This does not mean that I worship LIFE, but everything from the slimy slugs and other gross things to the butterfly has a level of respect shown them.

I value human INDIVIDUALITY - I value the diversity that the Individual offers. I may not agree with everyone, but I respect their right to be different. Everyone has their unique perspective and experiences of LIFE and it is this that adds the wonder and beauty to LIFE.

I value FAIRNESS & EQUALITY - LIFE may not be fair, but we can bring FAIRNESS to LIFE. We have Free-Will that allows us to act FAIRLY or NOT, the choice is ours to make. This is our PARTICIPATION in LIFE. Equality is where we treat everyone with the same level of respect, I treat everyone with a level of HUMAN RESPECT - everyone has a right to be heard, I may not agree with them but everyone has a right to voice their thoughts & feelings, and to be heard in a respectful manner.

I value FRIENDSHIP & COMMUNITY - I value FRIENDS that support and empower each other and actually care about each other. There is a difference between acquaintances and friends. Acquaintances can become friends but not all do. Friends I have for years, acquaintances are individuals that come into my Life for a short time. Work acquaintances I may know for years, but most stay in the acquaintance state, because I do not know them as well as I know my FRIENDS.

I value MYSELF - If I truly value equality I must value myself. I see myself as the unique Life that I am, that there is no one like me, this is the definition of individuality. I know I can do anything that I set my mind to do. I accept myself for who I am.

I value HUMOUR -  We need to be able to laugh at our self and to release tension. Humour is a medicine that helps to balance our lives.

I value INTEGRITY - Is to stay as TRUE TO MYSELF as possible. One's integrity is how one is seen by others and how one can build confidence in one's self. One's integrity is how one's relationships are built.

I value Joy - It is a necessary to enjoy LIFE and not to take our self too seriously. When we feel JOY in our Life we also show gratitude for our Life.

These are some of the VALUES that I have. These I call my Life-Values and I try my best to live my Life by them. I am not always as successful as I would like, but I do my best. When I have a challenging time and have to make some difficult choices I look to these Values to guide me in my decision. What decision will align me to these values?

These values may not sound like much, kind of simple and universal. In our modern society there are many who do not have any values, including valuing themselves. These simple values are powerful when one truly accepts them and owns them. Understanding and accepting our own values is the first step in "Know Thyself" and to truly empower the individual.

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