
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Next to the power of LIFE, BELIEF is the power that materializes how our Life unfolds. Most see Belief as something that is whimsical, fantasy or wishful thinking. This is not the BELIEF I am referring to here. We seldom ever question our BELIEFS, because we see them as TRUTHS and not necessarily as BELIEFS. We would not believe in something that is not TRUE, therefore we see our beliefs as truths. Even individuals that swear that there is a difference between KNOWING the truth, and that this knowing is beyond their BELIEFS - their Belief is in their KNOWING. One needs to believe that they are able to know something. This level of Belief is very fundamental of our psychic makeup, there is a difference between - "What I Believe" and "What I want to Believe". The whimsical beliefs that we all have originates from "What I want to Believe", but what we truly Believe is how our Life unfolds.

The question is how we move from what "I want to believe" to what "I believe"?

We all believe in the law of "cause and effect" that our science is based on. If we want to get physically stronger we go to the gym and exercise with the BELIEF that we will become physically stronger. The "cause" is the physical exercise and the "effect" is that we become physically stronger. This is TRUE.

What if I could show you a way of becoming physically stronger without any physical exercise? There was an experiment done at a major university in the US that wanted to explore the idea of "Mind over Matter". They had a group of volunteers, they first measured every one's finger strength, then broke them into three groups. The first group was given a finger exercise to do every day for 20 minutes for 2 weeks. It was a simple exercise of just straightening the finger and curling the finger in - repeated for 20 minutes. This first group was to do this exercise physically. The second group was told to only do the same exercise in their MINDS, no physical exercise. The third group was told not to do any exercise at all.

After the 2 weeks every one's finger strength was again measured. The first group that did the physical exercise recorded a 33% increase in their finger strength. The second group that did the exercise only in their mind recorded a surprising 20% increase in their finger strength. The third group that did no exercise showed no increase in their finger strength. What does this say about "cause & effect" Belief? - That it is not absolute!

Is it our BELIEF in "cause & effect" that creates the 13% difference between the first and second group results? If our BELIEF in "cause & effect" was not so strong would both groups have a 20% increase in  their finger's strength? I can be fairly certain that the majority in the second group did not believe that their mental exercise would produce the physical results it did. I can be almost as certain that the first group believed their physical exercise would have a physical result.

How does our BELIEF about ourselves and about LIFE affect how our Life unfolds? What we see about our self as being TRUE(BELIEF) creates this truth. If we see our self as being stupid (because we have always been told that we are stupid) then we have no real choice but to act stupidly. We act stupidly, not because we are stupid but because we believe we are stupid, we see it as a FACT & TRUE.

There is a part in the movie "What the Bleep do we Know?" that talks about the cells in our body. The scientists talk about the issue of individuals that are fat. They state that there is some evidence that the cells in the body respond to our Beliefs - that if we believe that we are fat, then the cells have a tendency to store more calories instead of burning the calories. Our body's cells are acting to make our BELIEF true.

There is also the PLACEBO effect too. Where someone BELIEVES they are receiving a medication for their health issue and is cured - in fact they only received a "Sugar-pill". It is their BELIEF that cures them not the medication.

This CORE LEVEL OF BELIEF controls our physical world more than we think. There are no GOOD OR BAD BELIEFS, there are only EMPOWERING AND LIMITING BELIEFS. We need to ask our self if our BELIEFS empower us or limits us?

For more reading and information about BELIEF I recommend the following books;

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

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