
Friday, May 27, 2011


The first thing to make clear is the difference between Laws & Rules. Laws are somewhat more fundamental and not easily manipulated. Rules are much more flexible and manipulated. We can see this issue of Laws when we apply them to the area of Science – Law of Gravity, Cause & Effect, and other Laws that govern our Physical Reality. These Laws that govern our Physical Reality are Laws that we ALL know and knowing these Laws allow us to function in this Physical Reality safely and effectively. These Laws define our Physical Reality.

The Laws of Society need to be at this same fundamental level. The Laws of Society need to define the Society. This definition of Society can only be established by the MEMBERS of the Society, not from the LEADERS. It is the INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS of Society that need to establish these Laws, in order for the LEADERS to have their Leadership defined. Once these basic Laws are set they can only be changed or altered by a LARGE MAJORITY of the Members of Society (at least 80%). The reason for such a large majority is that the Laws define the Society and EVERYONE in the Society. Such a fundamental change to the Society needs to be supported by a LARGE majority or the society may splinter and become fractured.

Laws of Society:

The Society is built by the INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS of the Society. It is with this understanding that a strong and productive Society is only possible with strong and empowered INDIVIDUALS.

Normally when we talk about Laws we think of the Laws that the police enforce and the courts enforce. These are NOT the true Laws of our Society. In Canada the Laws of our Society are found in our Charter of Rights & Freedoms, in the USA it is the Bill of Rights. The reason I refer to these documents as the Laws of our Society is the fact that these documents override any Laws passed by the politicians. Any Law that is passed by the politicians that violates the Charter of Rights & Freedoms the Law is NULL AND VOID AND HAS NO AUTHORITY.

The Laws that the police and courts deal with are more associated with the RULES of Society and will be blogged about in the next blog topic. This blog topic on LAWS is more associated with the issues of our Charter of Rights & Freedoms. Our Charter of Rights & Freedoms is a good place to start but it needs more work and to be more prominent in our Society.

Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom:

This is a good starting point as it outlines the INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS within Canadian Society. It deals with – Fundamental Freedoms, Democratic Rights, Mobility Rights, Legal Rights and Equality Rights – for ALL CANADIANS (MALE AND FEMALE). The major defect resides in the RESPONSIBILITY of each CANADIAN to the Society.

In order for the INDIVIDUAL to feel a part of the Society there needs to be some RESPONSIBILITY of the Individual in active participation within the Society. This is where the Charter of Rights & Freedoms is silent.

In order for the INDIVIDUAL MEMBER of Society to actually take a level of ownership in the Society there needs to be a level of RESPONSIBILITY on the MEMBER for the Society. The Members’ Responsibility is in how the Society is Governed.

Every Society needs a mechanism for operating as a united group with a common interest and intention, this we call GOVERNING (GOVERNMENT). Each Member of the Society NEEDS to have a level of direct involvement and responsible for this GOVERNANCE. This is how the MEMBERS define their OWNERSHIP of the Society. Without this OWNERSHIP the member begins to feel disenfranchised from the Society and the Society becomes fractured.

The LAWS of Society is not just the Rights & Freedoms of the Individual, but also the DUTY that is required by the Individual to the Society. There is another document that speaks a little on such DUTY.

Declaration of Independence – states in part “ is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government ...” in another part of the same document “...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed- ...” In the first quote it refers to  “their duty” their – referring to the members of the society and duty – as their responsibility. In the second quote it talks about how it is only with the “consent” of the members of society that authorizes the Governing Powers the power to govern.  Without the approval of the Members of Society the Governing Power has no Power. This document also mentions some of the basic rights of all the Members of Society – “...Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness...” – for ALL MEMBERS and balanced with the MEMBERS’ DUTY.

Purpose of these LAWS:

There are many different TYPES of Societies. These LAWS define the TYPE of Society the MEMBERS want to CREATE. These LAWS address the RIGHTS & FREEDOMS of the Individual within the Society PLUS the DUTY of the Individual to the Society.

The next subject is RULES...

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